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Click on one of the following files to view the available options:
Easter 2023 (A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 20:1-18
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Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 20:1-18
Easter 2023 (A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 20:1-18
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 20:1-18
Easter 2 (A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Mark Harris
John 20:19-31
Elder Mark Harris
John 20:19-31
Only Jesus Brings Easter Peace
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, Used by permission
Easter 2 (A) - Video.mp4
Elder Mark Harris
John 20:19-31
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Elder Mark Harris
John 20:19-31
Only Jesus Brings Easter Peace
​Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, Used by permission
Easter 3 (A) - Video.mp4
Elder Mark Harris
1Peter 1:17-21
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Elder Mark Harris
1Peter 1:17-21
1Peter 1:17-21
Live as His Redeemed
In Holy Fear
In Hopeful Faith
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter
Elder Mark Harris, Ministering Elder
Easter 3 (A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Mark Harris
1Peter 1:17-21
Elder Mark Harris
1Peter 1:17-21
1Peter 1:17-21
Live as His Redeemed
In Holy Fear
In Hopeful Faith
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter
Elder Mark Harris, Ministering Elder
Easter 4 (A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 10:1-10
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 10:1-10
Jesus is the Gate
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Easter 4 (A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 10:1-10
Pastor Joshua Shandor
John 10:1-10
Jesus is the Gate
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Easter 5 (A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
John 14:1-11
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
John 14:1-11
Easter 5 (A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
John 14:1-11
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
John 14:1-11
Easter 6 (A) - Video.mp4
Elder Mark Harris
Act 17:22-31
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Acts 17:22-31
God Wants All to Know Him
- As the Lord of Creation
- As the Giver of All that is Good
- As the Savior Judge
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Mark Harris
Easter 6 (A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Mark Harris
Acts 17:22-31
Elder Mark Harris
Acts 17:22-31
Acts 17:22-31
God Wants All to Know Him
- As the Lord of Creation
- As the Giver of All that is Good
- As the Savior Judge
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Mark Harris
Ascension 2023 (A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Jim Dietz
Acts 1:1-14
Acts 1:1-14
Jesus Leave Us to Be with Us,
so that We Are His Witnesses
- His apostles testified as eyewitnessess
- We also testify because our Savior is with us
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Jim Dietz
Ascension 2023 (A) - Video.mp4
Elder Jim Dietz
Acts 1:1-14
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Acts 1:1-14
Jesus Leave Us to Be with Us,
so that We Are His Witnesses
- His apostles testified as eyewitnessess
- We also testify because our Savior is with us
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Jim Dietz
Easter 7(A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
1Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
1Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11
1Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11
What To Do in the Face of Painful Trials
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
Easter 7(A) - Audio.a4u
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
1Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
1Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11
1Peter 4:12-17; 5:6-11
What To Do in the Face of Painful Trials
Pastor Emeritus Robert Green
Pentecost 2023 (A) - Audio.mp4
Elder Mark Harris
Acts 2:1-21
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Acts 2:1-21
The Holy Spirit Begins the Harvest
- All the World is His Field
- His Word is His Seed
- He Makes It Grow
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission.
Ministering Elder: Mark Harris
Pentecost 2023 (A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Mark Harris
Acts 2:1-21
Acts 2:1-21
The Holy Spirit Begins the Harvest
? All the World is His Field
? His Word is His Seed
? He Makes It Grow
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission.
Ministering Elder: Mark Harris
Pentecost 01(A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Joshua Shandor
2Corinthians 13:11-14
Pastor Joshua Shandor
2Corinthians 13:11-14
2Corinthians 13:11-14
Life in the Trinity
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Pentecost 01(A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Joshua Shandor
2Corinthians 13:11-14
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Pastor Joshua Shandor
2Corinthians 13:11-14
2Corinthians 13:11-14
Life in the Trinity
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Pentecost 02(A) -Audio.m4a
Elder Jim Dietz
Matthew 9:8-13
Matthew 9:9-13
Only Sinners Need the Doctor
A. Don't deny the disease.
a. How does Jesus expose the disease in us, even though we try to deny it?
b. Why is this disease so dangerous?
B. Follow the Doctor in celebration.
a. What’s the Good News, which is the only medicine that heals sin-sick souls?
b. What changes does this Good News work in us as we follow the Doctor?
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Jim Dietz
Pentecost 02(A) - Video.mp4
Elder Jim Dietz
Matthew 9:9-13
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Matthew 9:9-13
Only Sinners Need the Doctor
A. Don't deny the disease.
a. How does Jesus expose the disease in us, even though we try to deny it?
b. Why is this disease so dangerous?
B. Follow the Doctor in celebration.
a. What’s the Good News, which is the only medicine that heals sin-sick souls?
b. What changes does this Good News work in us as we follow the Doctor?
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Jim Dietz
Pentecost 03(A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Matthew 9:35-10:8
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Matthew 9:35-10:8
The Compassion of God: Freely Receive, Freely Give
Sermon by Pastor Joshua Shandor
Pentecost 03(A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Matthew 9:35-10:8
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Matthew 9:35-10:8
The Compassion of God: Freely Receive, Freely Give
Sermon by Pastor Joshua Shandor
Pentecost 03(A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Matthew 9:35-10:8
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Pastor Joshua Shandor
Matthew 9:35-10:8
The Compassion of God: Freely Receive, Freely Give
Sermon by Pastor Joshua Shandor
Pentecost 04(A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Mark Harris
Matthew 10:21-33
Elder Mark Harris
Matthew 10:21-33
Matthew 10:21-33
Our Father’s Care for Us
Creates Courageous Confessing from Us
- Expect Cruel Opposition
- Count on the Final Outcome
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Mark Harris
Pentecost 04(A) - Video.mp4
Elder Mark Harris
Matthew 10:21-33
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Elder Mark Harris
Matthew 10:21-33
Matthew 10:21-33
Our Father’s Care for Us
Creates Courageous Confessing from Us
- Expect Cruel Opposition
- Count on the Final Outcome
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Mark Harris
Pentecost 05(A) - Video.mp4
Pastor Joshua Shandor
1Timothy 6:11-16
After clicking "play", the video will download and then display.
Pastor Joshua Shandor
1Timothy 6:11-16
Pursue Righteousness
Pastor Jashua Shandor
Pentecost 05(A) - Audio.m4a
Pastor Joshua Shandor
1Timothy 6:11-16
Pastor Joshua Shandor
1Timothy 6:11-16
Pursue Righteousness
Pastor Jashua Shandor
Pentecost 06(A) - Audio.m4a
Elder Jim Dietz
Romans 7:15-25a
Elder Jim Dietz
Romans 7:15-25a
How the Christian Struggles on the Inside!
A. We fail to do the good we want.
B. Who will rescue us?
Sermon by Rev. Gregg Bitter, adapted.
Used by permission
Ministering Elder: Jim Dietz
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